Renewed Prayer Challenge - Day 24

Setting my mind on Him:
Pray through Scripture:

  • Pride - can never seem to get past this one. Humbled by this struggle yet again.

Heart of Gratitude:
  • 2 Corinthians 4:15 - God's grace to reach out and bring greater cause for thanksgiving
  • "For it is all for your sake, so that as grace extends to more and more people it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God." 

Prayer burdens:
  • My humility as I serve my family
  • Husband's physical protection as he has to go in to work occasionally
  • Kids' kindness toward one another
  • Those with no support system going through this on their own
  • Those caught in the middle of a foreign (or even domestic, with courts stripped down to essential traffic) adoption. Stranded in another country,


While so many wait for a solution in the form of a vaccine or the perfect social distancing restrictions, we wait on the power of God. I'm reading Steve Saint's book The End of the Spear and he came to a conflicting realization as he began to discover the full story of his father's death in 1956 at the hand of Waodani people. He recognized that God has complete control. There were many opportunities for one or more of the missionaries to escape with their lives intact. But God's plan, the perfect one, necessitated the death of all five.

God's plan involved hurt and pain, but it also started a fire for evangelism that lingers today. I don't understand His way so often, and yet I rest that it is best.

We are in such a unique season for ministry within our family and to those in our neighborhood. Everyone needs peace and encouragement. Everyone is in a similar situation and even a simple smile can mean so much.

Father God, thank you that I can trust. Rest. Refresh. It doesn't all have to make sense as I look for Your hand in the middle of another hard season. You are in control. You are weaving your beauty in the midst of this sin-pock-marked world. May Your name receive all the glory it is due. In Jesus Name Amen. 



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