Renewed Prayer Challenge - Day 17

Set my mind on Him:

Pray through Scripture:



Prayer requests:
  • Me for greater meekness
  • Husband for greater patience
  • Kids for guarded hearts
  • Unity in body of Christ. Regardless of different methods and finer doctrinal points, may the bride of Christ find unity in the truth of the gospel and work together in love and preference to bring in the harvest.
  • Christians for a passion for reaching unbelievers with the gospel 


My heart aches. Watching Christ's body rip itself apart is never easy. It's so wrong. So human. So me. What matters most is to live in my identity in Christ (chosen, holy, beloved), to let the peace of Christ rule (umpire) in my heart, to seek unity in the body of Christ.

Lord, search my heart. Dig out the yuck, the dung, the selfishness, any unforgiveness. Leave only Your reflection. You are the loving father, the one who called me, the one who paid the debt that I owed. May I never trust in man or in my own strength. My gratitude is ongoing as I daily remember all You did for me. Thank you~Amen


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