Stay at Home week one

While I joked with another homeschool mom that my normal life isn't that different from this so called quarantine, the week has still dragged a bit more than most.

So, let's sum it up.

Three joys:
  • Perfecting a homemade pizza crust recipe and method. (finally, been trying my whole life!)
  • Hikes on good weather days -- beautiful scenery, leaving kindness rocks here and there. 
  • Family game time - kahoots, risk, rumikub, etc. Just plan old fun

Three realizations:
  • Everyday feels like a Tuesday.
  • A lot of life can be duplicated online virtually.
  • Virtual experiences are not a true replacement for the real thing.

Three adjustments:
  • Six feet -- I get nervous watching TV and movies when people start standing closer than that to each other.
  • Checking the news - world, US, and local for updates and the latest adjustments to our plans.
  • Everyone home. Love this, but it does take some rearranging of schedules, expectations, and living space.

Three goals for this week:
  • Exercise daily
  • Text friends to keep in touch more often
  • Tackle some cleaning and de-cluttering projects (too bad I can't bring my de-cluttering to Goodwill . . .)

Three items of thanks:
  • Health. Can't ever take that for granted.
  • Well stocked house. We have food, a reasonable amount of paper goods, and a comfortable home to hang out in as long as needed.
  • God's Word. Everyday it feeds me more than anything else. Peace. Joy. Security. Hope. Love. All I need is right there.

I've started journaling more regularly, and I require the kids to as well. Maybe someday it will be interesting to read the random thoughts as we were stuck inside for days on end. Maybe not. It at least gives us something to do for a few minutes of our day.


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