More quotes from Amy Carmichael

Amy Carmichael always makes me think, reconsider my priorities, my vision and purpose for my life.

She clearly kept the following in mind when recording her thoughts and living her life, "Nothing is worth doing at all, nothing is worth writing, which does not do something which will last."

If that's not enough to chew on, she also prayed the prayer left behind by Jeremy Taylor, "Lord, do Thou turn me all into love, and all my love into obedience, and let my obedience be without interruption."

Comments said…
Ok, so I hope you do not mind that I stole your quote for my FB page. I always am looking for something solid to post to combat our tendancy to digress with all the writing on there:) Sure enjoy your blog. It encourages me and is nice to walk with someone down the road of life that is in the same spot:)
6intow said…
Steal away, Rachel. They're not really mine anyway, just a treasure of someone else's that I uncovered.

I enjoy your company as well. {hugs}

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