Verse of the week -- Luke 22:42

Do I dare pray the Lord's prayer? "Thy will be done."

Of course, whether I pray it or not, His will will be done. But, in praying that I indicate agreement with it, and am I really ready for that?

I want God's will when it involves blessing in my life. Spiritual growth through meaningful quiet times, healthy babies, a wonderful marriage, financial provision, children walking in His steps, all that we consider good from our finite, human perspective.

However, as we sang a version of "I surrender all" this weekend it struck me anew that I need to surrender on His terms, not mine. As I talked with my husband about this later he pointed out that surrender is never a "good" thing for the one surrendering. It is giving up, laying down, losing one's identity and control. It's not just what I want to give up or receive.

Incidentally, it is interesting how many versions of "I surrender all" are floating around by contemporary artists. So eager to sing these often emotionally driven words, but how willing are we to really mean them on a daily basis?

In Luke 22:42 Jesus prays, "Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." It wasn't about what he wanted, it was about God's will. He lived a life of complete surrender.

I want to be there. Even if I don't want to surrender my future to God, I make that conscious choice. He might choose to use suffering in my life to bring Him glory. He might choose heartache to better equip me. He might choose pain to keep me humble. He might choose to bless someone else. My will might not be willing, but I truly do want His will done in and through my life.

Not just at the altar call, but in response to His daily call.

Saying, Father, if thou be willing,
remove this cup from me:
nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

~Luke 22:42~

Comments said…
Me too Erin!!
Mindy said…
Blessed thoughts, Erin, a much needed reminder as I continually have to surrender body and soul to the Lord for His purposes. I did ask Him to make me a vessel fit for use, I did ask Him to use my life to glorify Him, I just expected a different process, one more glamorous or easy than suffering. :) Thank you.
6intow said…
Thanks, Rachel, always encouraging to know we don't walk this path alone.

Mindy, It is somewhat easy for me to surrender when God has at this point called me to a quiet spot in life, although I acknowledge that He has free reign in my life. It is more challenging when life carries us into a valley of suffering. I pray that I can have as much boldness in my surrender in those days as well. You are a great inspiration to many as you live this out!


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