Back to school

Seventeen beds, each one full. Five with our own children, and twelve more we just claim during the school year. Each with his own story, from very different homes, comes seeking structure and safety and direction for success.

After a week off for Spring Break, we excitedly welcomed back ‘our’ boys. The conversation flows quickly today with so much to catch up on. The movies they watched, the visits with family members, the times of relaxation, and the homesickness they feel now even in the midst of the joy of being back among their friends.

I love a full house. I love the noise and activity. I love getting to know their individuality their preferences and personality quirks. I love sharing the love of Christ with them throughout the time we have with them.

Today has been a typical day of checking homework, comforting homesick kids (wading gently when determining if ‘illness’ is medical or emotional), instilling social skills, holding them accountable for what they know, but may have forgotten a little from lack of practice (both academically and socially).

I always look forward to these last nine weeks of the school year. Still schoolwork to accomplish, but with lots of fun intermingled. Baseball games, field trips, plays, field day. Lots to enjoy.

As we head into the home stretch of our ninth school year here I think back to the many boys that we have worked with and gotten to know over the years, over 100 of them! Some with us only a few weeks for various reasons, and some for four school years. We continue to pray that our time with them will not be forgotten. That they will call to mind the lessons learned, most importantly about our faith in Jesus Christ. Lots of planted seeds, many we will not even know the outcome of until eternity.

You never know the lives you may touch on a daily basis, some regularly and others incidentally throughout the day. Whatever the situation, God can use each of those interactions to prompt their thinking toward Him. I am so grateful for this opportunity that we have right here right now. I need to remember to make the most of the last 39 school days; because once they are gone I can’t recapture one of them, and I don’t know which of these students I may never see again. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future, and I need to live for Him today and in all my tomorrows.


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