weekly wrap up - June 12

Still not sure if summer has really arrived or not. We have flirted with 80, but not much more than that. I'm starting to think that 75 is hot . . .

Summer themes you will probably see repeated here: reading, gardening, fun

Gardening ~ sorry, no pictures. I'm quite proud though. In the midst of all the weeds, and despite my herniated disc, we have promising growth. Tomato plants are flourishing, bean and pea plants continue to grow, and we hope to get a strawberry or two before the birds one of these days.

The kids are a great help this year. I require work for 15 minutes, then they play for 15, then back to work for 15, and then they play until we head in. So far, it works well. And, we get way more done than if I just worked on my own for the hour or so.

Reading ~ I have really enjoyed checking out other's book baskets at Toni's blog. We enjoyed The Block Mess Monster and Sophie's Masterpiece with the little ones today. We are also listening to Amos Fortune, Freeman on audio and have enjoyed more as we have gotten in to the story. More on our readings this week here.

In other reading news, we scored an amazing garage sale today with lots of award winning books for fifty cents. Let me say, it was pretty easy to spend that $20!

And the FUN~ While grocery shopping (not so fun . . .) my daughter asked if we could get a pomegranate. Well, they didn't have any, so we got this instead:

Not familiar with that? I wasn't either. It's a kiwano, and tastes kind of like kiwi. That was our grocery shopping and food adventure for the week.

We also enjoyed a day at a petting zoo with some friends.

Nathan loved the cutouts. :-)

Brooke loved making friends with the sheep.

I thought for sure the goats were pregnant, but the employee said they always look like that because they have four stomachs and they are VERY well fed.

We also did some serious cleaning this week, revamped our chore routine, and enjoyed the great outdoors. Must be summer, I guess.

Check out more weekly wrap ups.


Dustine said…
Thanks for sharing. Sounds like you had a good week.
I think 75 is warm enough-LOL
Anonymous said…
That is one strange-looking fruit. ;-) I do like kiwi, though, so maybe it would taste good.

My kids would love the petting zoo. They're about all things related to just about any kind of animal.

Looks like a fun week!

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