Our trip to DC
A bit belated, but I have finally taken the time to go through the myriad of pictures from our trip and show a bit of what we saw. I already shared a bit about our trip there and back and some of the lessons that stood out in my mind, but on to the bulk of the trip . . .
Washington DC contains building packed with history. Every brick, every gallery, every building, every street has a story to tell. We reveled in the amazing magnitude of each building. Grand arches and pillars, huge domes and ornate ceilings, innumerable artifacts and records of our history.
The main bulk of what we spent our time on fell into the two miles between the Capitol building and the Lincoln Memorial. You don't realize just how humongous the building are until you are right there. They are incredible.
Everything was done on a grand scale, although they were separating from Great Britain, they were still so used to their way of doing things that you see European influence everywhere throughout the mall area. The Washington Monument towers 600 feet into the air, and showed that even early Americans sometimes set their sights too high. About a quarter of the way up the brick color changes because the original effort ran out of money and when the government decided to finish the job, the same stone color was not available. That seems a lesson in itself.
Mount Vernon also shares much of what happened in those early years of establishing the United States. I enjoyed reliving that time period and seeing so many of the places that hosted these happenings. Totally unimportant, but for some reason interesting nonetheless, they have a set of Washington's dentures on display as well and show the process of making them in those days. His pursed lips in the portrait on our dollar bill? Probably a result of the new dentures he had just received. No wonder older paintings rarely show people's teeth.
Vacation time gave us a closer glimpse into each of our children's lives in a different environment than we usually find ourselves in.
Nathan loved the rocks. Anytime we found ourselves on a gravel pathway, he was on the ground picking up handfuls. We discovered how much Paige loves fountains, and we visited many of them in those few days.
We realized anew Faith's attention to detail. Especially in the Natural History Museum she wanted to see every little thing and find out what it was, why it was there, and what it meant. We spent a long time looking at the detail in many exhibits there.
Of course, our kids might tell you this was their favorite part of our vacation:
All in all, an amazing time. I really enjoyed seeing downtown DC and getting a closer look at our nation's history. The highlight for me was spending time with family and the opportunity to learn more about each other and Washington was a great back drop for doing so.