
In settling back into blogging after a break that lasted a few months longer than anticipated, I spent some time thinking about my plans and schedule.

What can you expect to find here in the days and weeks ahead?

- My fears and research into homeschooling high school. I know many people have done it and survived, so I'm hoping I can, too.

- In homeschooling I will likely share our summer plans along with the fun we squeeze in during our lighter schedule.

- Thoughts as I read through Ann Voskamp's A Thousand Gifts. Life changing. Mind altering. Faith shaping. And, of course my own fledgling list of 1000. Also, spiritually, the growth and insight from trying to read through the Bible in 90 days (well, make that 100, or so).

- Keeping sane with a full plate. Some families deal with chronic illness, at home businesses, homesteading, ailing parents, and other challenges that stretch them mentally and emotionally. While we don't have anything as daunting as that, I look forward to sharing what God teaches me as just the daily constantness of motherhood threatens to undo me. I love it, yet come close to drowning in it at times. Doesn't mean I'm ready to come to shore, but I do need to figure out how to catch my breath and keep swimming.

My posting here is somewhat therapeutic and I hope to do my free writing time on here as I assign my kids their own free writing assignments this summer.

And, pictures, I better dig out my pictures . . . I think I can still find my cables to download them for you.

That's a little of what I have been up to and where I am headed. How about you? New news? Summer plans? God's teachings? Please feel free to share a link in the comments with something you are thinking about these days, or simply share right in the comments. Look forward to reconnecting with you.

I have missed you all throughout the last 6 months, and really the last year as my blogging interactions have been spotty since Eli made us a family of 8. I look forward to getting back into things and sharing some of what God has grown in me during this season.


Welcome back to blogland! I too am embarking on the highschool journey, I look forward to reading your posts.
6intow said…
Jacquelin, Thank you! Glad to know I am not alone in this new land. :)
Michelle Gibson said…
We are on our 2nd year of high school and I feel more confident now. Have you attended any of The Home Scholars free webinars - so helpful!

Welcome back!
6intow said…
Thank you, Michelle, I know a few years from now I will probably laugh about all the stress over high school. I will definitely have to check out the webinars. I have seen them, but never pursued them.

Thank you for that reminder. :)

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