Verse of the week - Psalm 19:1,2

Picture of Blue Sky and White Clouds - Free Pictures -

I know this is a bit belated, but I am still working on getting a lot of things back on track after being away from home for a while. Today I spent extra time just snuggling and playing with my four younger kids that I had not seen for ten days. So sweet to hold them and love them and laugh with them.

Anyway, as a bit of explanation . . . on Thanksgiving my husband and I had an amazing opportunity to spend some time in Maui, just the two of us.

Well, that was how it started. Then, my father-in-law realized he had even more frequent flyer miles after getting our tickets, and so he also went and brought our oldest son. Then, another nine people from my husband's extended family decided to join us on the "romantic" get-away. :-) Well, it actually wasn't as bad as it sounds (if being in Maui could ever sound bad . . .) We had our own space, and we called the shots on how we spent our days. So, it was actually a blessing to have lots of alone time and still have family nearby to share some new experiences and light-hearted conversation with. So, that is where I have been "missing" to, and I look forward to sharing some of the amazing pictures we took while there, and the sweet treasures God taught me during some special times with Him as well.

The verses that kept drumming through my mind were from Psalm 19:1,2, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. 2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge." So often we forget to note the beauty of the created world. The sky, clouds, water, plants, snow, children, all products of His creative work. All absolutely incredible. All reminders of His power and worth of our praise. Whether in a unique setting, or our everyday surroundings, His creative work shows itself and affords us an opportunity to worship.

As I peer into my child's blue eyes, I worship God.

As I breathe in the sharp cold air as the snowflakes drift silently to the earth, I worship God.

As I take in the dramatic colors of the sunset, I worship God.

Everywhere around me He left His fingerprint, unmistakeable.

My response, echoes verse 14 of this chapter, that my heart focus and my chosen words would find acceptance in his sight.

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.

~Psalm 19:1,2~


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