Calvary's love

Picture of Sunset, Hastings - Free Pictures -

Not long ago I stumbled on a book at a garage sale that I had heard about but never read. This book, not really intended to be read straight through, offers nuggets of challenge and encouragement.

Amy Carmichael wrote the book "If" as a compilation of sayings that came to her as she worked with children saved from temple prostitution and cared for at the Dohnavur Fellowship she founded. I cannot imagine the challenges she faced on any given day (spiritual, mental, physical, etc.), and yet she still recognized that she often attempted to work by some power of her own rather than through Calvary's love. Each of these sayings end with, "then I know nothing of Calvary's love."

She wrote these down initially for those that worked alongside her, but eventually decided to share them that they may encourage any who may find themselves as under-shepherds. Whether a mother, father, worker in children's ministry, or if you find yourself in some other capacity of nurturing lives, you may also find a wise word among these.

IF . . . I deal with wrong for any others reason
than that implied in the words,
"From His right hand went a fiery law from them.
Yea, He loved the people";
If I can rebuke without a pang,
then I know nothing of Christ's love.

IF . . . I have not the patience of my
Savior with souls who grow slowly;
if I know little of travail (a sharp and painful thing)
till Christ be fully formed in them,
then I know nothing of Calvary love.

What's my motivation today?


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