Verse of the week -- Proverbs 31:29

My routine has been a bit off kilter as of late. This morning I grasped a bit of my old normalcy and enjoyed that treasured tea time with my 11 year old.

Right now we are reading through a chapter at a time of Talks to Girls. Some chapters in this "old-fashioned" book hold only slight relevance, but many have blossomed into quality conversations.

Talks to Girls: Classic Teachings on Virtues & Values

Today blossomed into a whole bouquet. It spoke to her, but it spoke most strongly to me.

Am I just living? Just getting by? I am afraid that is my only goal many days, to simply get through. Enjoy the memories along the way, but no real intentionality or forethought to get all I can from these irreplaceable moments. My vision for the eternal has grown a bit hazy.

This verse from Proverbs 31 came to mind as we read, "Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel them all." Many have done nobly, I don't know that I even fall in that category right now. But, this one spoken of excels even those doing nobly!

Noble deeds speak to excellence, a high standard. Not just getting by.
Vision, goals. Not just putting out fires.
Praise worthy, role model. Not status quo.

Tennyson said:

Drink deep until the habits of the slave,
The sins of emptiness, gossip , and spite,
And slander die. Better not be at all
Than not be noble.
Letting the days pass without taking hold of the reigns and requiring excellence of them is not worth the time God has loaned me. I clearly needed this reminder to get ahead, get God-surrendered control of my days and make them count. Not for getting by, but for eternity.

I cannot squander this week ahead of me. It won't return. There are no "re-dos." I want to fall among those counted as noble. Better yet, as one that surpasses them all. After all that my God has done for me, He deserves my best in return, each day, each week.

For You, Lord!

"Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel them all."
~Proverbs 31:29~


Joelle said…
Your blog is always refreshing. I have given you a beautiful blogger award. You can pick it up here :
Joelle said…
I think I gave you the wrong link earlier. Here is the right one:

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