Weekly Wrap Up - January 15
We did get another great week of schooling in, but all that pales in comparison to our excitement from Thursday.
Thursday afternoon my brother-in-law babysat while my husband and I went to a private showing.
We came home with some special pictures to remember the event by:

Aside from that major climax for the week, we also enjoyed . . .
Pilgrim's Progress lapbooks -- We have added a couple new mini-books, not all the same. I have gladly seen my kids show some originality in the topics they choose and they way they put them together. One more week of getting these together and hopefully I'll get a full post up on what we have learned about the book, and about lapbooking. Great conversation about heaven after the readings this week.
Runny Babbit -- probably deserves another post all its own. This silly book by Shel Silverstein caught our attention. It is all about switching the first sounds of two different words. Hence, Bunny Rabbit became Runny Babbit. It has some questionable mixes (like when it talks about eating "Pea Soup"), but we were able to challenge ourselves to mix sounds. I found this a good stretch for my child learning to spell and sometimes struggling to isolate those initial sounds. It actually turned into a great phonics exercise. And, when she asked, "How do you talk like that?" I just couldn't resist responding, "Walk like Tut?" :-D
Other books we are reading -- To the Edge of the World. Although not for young children (I dismiss the little ones while we read this since it does get a little graphic at times), this well written historical fiction account of Magellan's voyage has drawn us all in. We enjoyed the snippet in Mystery of History 3 about Magellan, so this is a great way to delve into the story a bit more and really relive that amazing adventure of nearly 400 years ago.
On my own I have started a book about Jonathan Edwards, thanks to a recommendation from another blogger. Although just barely into it, I find encouragement in his great strength of character and willingness to stand for his convictions.

As the temperature got above freezing for the first time in quite a while we also enjoyed a walk in the "warm" weather. The kids kept finding ice balls to kick along the road until it wore down and they had to find another one. We found a number of animal tracks, some ice to slide around on, and enjoyed taking a look at the trees as we walked.

This weekend I look forward to enjoying a time of refreshment just for homeschool moms along with my neighbor, and then Monday off. Then, we'll see what another week will hold!
AFwife, we took that picture our last day there a year ago now while we watched all the surfers at Paia. We have so many beautiful pictures from our time there, but our kids still aren't convinced it is better than snow. :-P
God's blessings.
In Christ,
I'm so excited for you that I'm almost jealous! :) Congratulations Erin!
I bet you guys are thrilled!
How long have you known?
Amy, Yeah, I thought about my user name, too. I'll have to see if I can get that changed, but otherwise I can rationalize it in that my oldest isn't quite "in tow" any more, right?
We've known for a few months, but have gradually been broadening the circle of knowledge. I figured the ultrasound pics would be a fund way to announce it to "everyone."
Thank you!!!