Verse(s) of the week - The power of words

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
~Proverbs 16:24

The tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value.
~Proverbs 10:20

A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.
~Proverbs 25:11

Not much beauty in the tongue in and of itself. But, the power held in that unattractive body part is limitless. It has destroyed kingdoms, raised rulers, praised the King of Kings, and brought low people who have felt its sting.

Like a rudder steers a huge ship, like a spark starts a forest fire, so a small word planted in fertile ears has potential to produce a catastrophe or great blessing.

In particular, my thoughts have turned toward my words with my children. I want my words to bring health, beauty, wisdom and learning, value, and growth to their lives.

Too often a flippant comment can hurt, giving them fuel for discouragement or humiliation.

This weekend I heard Mark Gregston talk about parenting teens, and the power of the tongue again surfaced in my thoughts. In times of discipline, Mark said there is nothing wrong in allowing kids to feel the pain of their consequences, and guilt for wrong actions. But, our words should not push them to shame. Shame is when they feel bad about who they are, and not what they have done. I need to keep my words focused on the action and heart attitude that needs addressing, not diminishing the amazing person that God created.

Words are often difficult to control, and this area requires daily surrender to God's control. In return, a well controlled tongue produces great beauty and brings intense glory to God.

Lord, please help my speech to build up and not tear down. You have spoken so much encouragement into my life, and I want to do the same for my family. Please help me words to be Your words, full of life, blessing, and healing. ~Amen


Courtney said…
Amen. My prayer too. I've thought a lot about the woman who tears her house down this week. Ugh.
6intow said…
Yes, Courtney, it is sooo easy to be that woman, who I sooo don't want to be!

God's grace, keeps working . . .

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