
As God continues to challenge me to remain consciously aware of the Spiritual warfare around me, and the reality of what we cannot see, I came across a wonderful illustration of this in Max Lucado's Fearless. What would you think if you came across someone who put all their effort into collecting Monopoly assets and came to you for help investing it in the "real" world . . .

You are, after all, a financial planner. You speak the language of stocks and annuities, have ample experience . . . But all your experience didn't prepare you for this request. Yet here he sits in your office, encircled by bags of pink cash and little plastic buildings. Invest Monopoly earnings?

. . .

Is this guy for real? You do your best to be polite. "Seems you've amassed quite a Monopoly fortune."

He crosses his arms and smiles. "Indeed I have. And I'm ready for you to put it to work. It's time for me to sit back and take it easy. Let someone else monopolize Monopoly for a while."

You take another look at his stacks of funny money and toy real estate and abandon all tact. "Sir, you're crazy. Your currency has no value. Your cash has no clout. Outside of your game, it's worthless. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you've made a foolish mistake. In fact, you are a fool."

He goes on to reference the parable of the foolish rich man in Luke 12:16-21.

I remember this parable from when we did our lapbook study of parables a while back. It prompted quite an interesting discussion about storing up treasure in heaven and what that really meant.

This Monopoly money illustration makes the picture even sharper. Play money has great value . . . in the game. But, once the game is over it makes absolutely no difference how much money or property we held.

Same with true wealth. If we waste our life hoarding the "play money" of this world -- cars, retirement funds, vacation homes, etc. and don't add to our real bank account, we will end this life penniless.

Where am I putting my treasure today? How about you?

Comments said…
This is a great object lesson!

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