No ordinary man

Yesterday my husband received another honor in recognition of his strong work ethic which closely ties into his strong faith in God. About 5 years ago our school started recognizing an outstanding employee, as voted for by fellow employees, to receive recognition as an honored employee for the year. Every year since this program's origin, my husband has received this honor. I am so humbled to be married to this amazing man. Each year his role on campus has changed and grown as he shoulders more responsibility. He continues to rise to the challenge and perform any duties placed before him with excellence.

Along with his striving for excellence, everyone on campus knows that my husband is a Christian, sincere about his faith. This shows in his approach to life and his strong sense of integrity. He clearly lives a life with Jesus Christ at the core.

Everyone also knows that his family is always a priority as well. He is a caring husband, and committed father. We all know that he loves us more than this 'job,' and that he puts so much into his job out of love and concern for providing for his family.

Congrats, my love! Another award well earned. You never cease to amaze me.


Anonymous said…
After returning to the work force DH has noticed the poor work ethics in the company. This drives him crazy. I remind him that is why we had such a hard time find employees ourselves. It saddens me to know that parents of these lazy adults didn't train them.
After my hub started the company he works for has been getting work done & problems solved. They don't want to let him go.
GrammaMack said…
I just read your guest post at Biblical Womanhood and then your interesting posts on your work. My husband and I spent 8 years as boys' dorm parents at a residential mission school for deaf children in Puerto Rico, and I also homeschooled our three sons. So I understand a bit what your life is like, and I am enjoying reading your blog. You are deservedly proud of your hubby!
That's wonderful! You must be so proud!

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