Hunger and Thirst

Sometimes songs from ages ago pop up fresh in my brain, and the age-tested proofs refresh my soul all over again.
In studying through the Sermon on the Mount, God has pressed me to worship Him afresh.

He always satisfies.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Loved the recent reminder that God is enough - not enough as in the bare minimum required. Enough as in saturated, complete, whole, nothing lacking. 

Taking some extra time to focus on two priorities - glimpsing God, and recognizing my own sin as a result. 

In the cleansing and filling exercise, she pointed out a beautiful sequence of truth from Isaiah 6:
  • I saw the Lord, high and exalted (see God's glory)
  • “Woe to me!” I cried. (repent, sinfulness exposed)
  • “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.” (cleansed)
  • Then I heard the voice of the Lord (able to truly hear Him)

In order to have clear ears for the hearing of God's leading we need pure hearts. 

Pure hearts require repentance

Repentance comes when we agree with God about our sin

Agreeing with God about sin can only come when we see the awesome purity and holiness that exists as the God of the universe. Just making a list of sins will only get us so far. 

To truly come to a point of grieving our sin we must first be forced prostrate by the glory of God and the overwhelming humility and mourning over the sin we tolerate in our own lives.

It is one thing to recognize the sin and quite another to hate it. More often I rationalize it, excuse it, minimize it, or ignore it. It stays in my life, and not because I don't see it. 

So, I head back to the basics. Hungering for Him. Seeking to see His glory. 

Worship songs, savoring the Psalms, meditating on His glory. Always more to learn.     



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