Verse of the week, or maybe the year

A couple weeks in, and mulling "my" word for 2012 all the more. I love the discovery of hearing God's quiet voice as we wait and listen.
Trust runs so deep. It is the birthplace of our salvation, but also the bud of our dependence on Him, and still the full bloom of a rich and vibrant spiritual walk.
All along the way, trust must accompany our spiritual life.
Trust brings us peace with our past, contentment in the present, and confidence for the future.
Trust must rest mainly in Him who gave it to us in the first place, but trust must also mark our human relationships.
Growing greater trust in family and friends.
Trust frees me when I dive into it.
Now, I continue on reading the verses that show me what trust really looks like. Starting with a long-time favorite, Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."
It starts with trust.