Family Mint

My official review on this product is yet to come, but I wanted to let you know about a product that we are currently using and enjoying that is FREE to anyone. This is a great website to assist you in teaching your kids financial responsibility.

Look for more of my opinions next week, but for now here is an email summary and invitation from the Family Mint team:

We're very excited to share FamilyMint with you, our web-based money management application for kids, where the parents hold the money and act as the bank. It's FREE, SIMPLE and SECURE!
Junior Goals
FamilyMint offers easy-to-use but powerful tools that help parents guide their children's spending and develop vital life skills. Children are given the reins to set goals, allocate savings, and enter their own transactions. FamilyMint encourages children to take charge of their own finances - in a controlled and instructive setting - to ingrain a financial discipline that will pay dividends for their entire lives!

Parents can encourage and reward savings by setting up motivating interest rates, automating allowance, and matching deposits for goals that parents would like to encourage.

Children who grow up without the ability to manage money suffer a HUGE disadvantage. Did you know that 18-24 year olds are the fastest growing age group filing for bankruptcy? Our teens and young adults are vulnerable, facing full access to internet shopping, easy credit card accessibility, and constant bombardment by consumer gratification - yet only 5 percent learn the vital life skills of money management in school.

Parents want their kids to succeed, to be able to live within their means and create financial security for their future.

FamilyMint empowers children to set an unlimited number of goals - shopping, charity, college, toys and activities - and our colorful graphics allow them to SEE progress for each goal, visually distinct for youngsters or teens. Children learn by doing, and have fun along the way!

Getting Started

Getting started with FamilyMint is quick and easy. You can set up your family in less than 10 minutes. Go to and click on either the Get Started or the Sign Up button to create your family bank. While you are at our public web site, be sure also to check out our Features, Blog, Of Interest, and Testimonials.

We hope you and your family will enjoy using FamilyMint and get as much benefit out of it as our families have! If you like using FamilyMint, we encourage you to share it with your friends and family.

Jeff Eusebio & Bob Masterson
FamilyMint co-founders FREE SIMPLE SECURE


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