I love to write

I discovered something this month. 

This might not come as any surprise to you, but I love to write. In fact, I love every step in the process of writing. I love planning and outlining, researching and note taking, writing stories and backgrounds, editing, and spending a few minutes searching for exactly the precise word that I need to fill a blank. 

 Who knows if this will actually become anything other than an obsessive pastime, but I really love to write. 

So, what did I write? 
A few years ago I became awestruck at the whole story of David in the Bible. Every time I would find myself reading any portion of his life or one of his Psalms, the whole thing would play out in living color in my head. The idea sprouted to write a book about David. Not a bible study, not a biography, but a work of historical fiction based around the life of David. 
Life goes by. Who has time to write a book? This year, I decided I could make the time during this COVID season to take some of the free time that I find myself with and start this book! 
Every November there is a challenge called NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writer's Month), and I decided to jump in. I trimmed a few things off my plate and scraped together all the spare minutes I have throughout each day and I wrote. I wrote 50,000 words in 30 days. 
Honestly, I'm not sure what my next step is. I toy with the idea of polishing it up for an Amazon ebook (which apparently is free to do and fairly easy), but for now, it is done and I'm going to set it aside for a little while (a month? two? six?) and then I'll pick it back up again and see if I still like it. 
The process though was amazing. Waking up every morning, digging into God's word and learning through David's eyes. Recreating what his family might have been like and what Goliath might have been like away from the stage lights of the battle field. Seeing up-front and personal how David surrendered his life to God on a daily basis and the profound faith he had that shaped his decisions and his relationships.
I learned so much about life around 1000 BC. My kids would groan during Bible time because they knew we were not just reading a few verses, they were getting a whole lecture on world history and life 3000 years ago. It wasn't boring, I don't know why they complained!

So, here I am. A little sad that it's over, but a little relieved, too. I want to write here more, with the time I now know I have throughout each week. 

Do you have a dream you've been putting off or that just seems unrealistic? Hang on to it. Maybe now isn't the time, but maybe it is! If not know, maybe in a few more years. I'm always amazed when I look back a few years how I find myself in a completely different season of life. Some dreams are for tomorrow or next month or next decade, but dreams bring hope on those days when we feel stuck in a seasons that is just kinda hard. 

Keep dreaming and celebrate when you get to chase a dream, too.


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