Passport to India

We cheated. Started a week early.

Hope you heard and joined, and are getting excited as well.

Each year Sonlight spearheads an effort to raise money for a mission-oriented task. This year we are off to India, passports in hand, sort of.

The package arrived in the mail over the weekend, and I decided to open it today during Bible time. Each child has a passport and we will be learning through videos twice a week starting next week. More about India, more about missions, more about children's Bible clubs.

Every dollar we plunk in the little suitcase is one more child that can attend the club. Well, actually it is TWO more children because Sonlight matches every dollar we send in.

My kids scrambled to their rooms looking for spare change, and some not so spare change. Day one -- $22 in the suitcase. So thankful for their generosity.

Faith says, "That's 22 kids! No, wait, that's 44 kids! Radical!" (Don't know where that term comes from in this day and age, but she was clearly excited. And, yeah, this is pretty radical.)

And, we're not done yet. Six more weeks to add to the box and see where we end up. Will you join us?

Check out the fun introductory video at My Passport to India. My kids got a kick out of that and ran off to find more money to put in the box.

It may be too late to get a welcome kit sent to you, but you can still follow along and get your kids excited about giving to help other kids hear the good news. For more information, check out Sonlight's website.


Luke Holzmann said…
Thanks for sharing about this! It's so exciting to see people taking advantage of this opportunity to not only learn about India but impact it for the better as well [smile].


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