Verse of the week -- Isaiah 33:6

When great tragedy comes, we seek for something stable to cling to. In a storm you take shelter in a bathroom or basement. You need something solid to hold on to or surround yourself with. Recently in Nevada many residents experienced daily earthquakes and tremors that rattled their sense of peace to some extent. Most of these were not significant 'run-for-cover' earthquakes, but their persistence and frequency kept the need for stability at the forefront of these individuals minds. Sometimes in our lives we face 9.5, F5, Category 5 storms (I know all those don't exist in a storm in nature at the same time, but sometimes our lives seem to face everything at once!) Other times we 'just' face those constant daily tremors that continue to remind us of the uncertainty of life, our human frailty, and our need for something outside of ourselves to cling to.

The month of May is typically one of those 'tremor' months for me. So much that needs to get done in addition to the regular everyday demands. This week God called to mind one of my favorite verses, that I so need to meditate on as I head into the next few weeks. Isaiah 33:6 says, "
And He will be the stability of your times, A wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; The fear of the LORD is his treasure."

I love that reminder that whether we face the greatest storm in our life or the relentless stormy waters of regular daily life He is our stability. God highlighted this verse during a time in my life of particular emotional struggles and reminded me that no matter how unstable my insides seemed, He was rock solid, unwavering, ever faithful. He brings stability. You know that song, "Sometimes He calms the storm, and other times He calms His child." I find the latter more often the case.

This morning in church the Sunday School teacher talked about Paul and Barnabas. He walked us through the story of Paul's stoning that brought him so close to death (how many times did Paul come close to death?) As they dragged him outside the city and left him for dead (Acts 14), God had other plans. No matter how shaky, painful, disastrous, aggravating, or dangerous a circumstance we may go through, we will make it out alive if God still has plans for our life on this earth.

As we struggle through life, often trying to swing things on our own once again, He remains steadfast and in His gentle faithfulness to us brings His wisdom, salvation, and knowledge. Living our lives in awe and reverence to Him can be our only response. When I feel brain dead from all the thinking and planning, His knowledge shines through. When another disagreement erupts between kids that needs refereeing, His wisdom restores order. When my judgmental finger points in my face, His salvation bring peace. He is to be treasured through each and every storm (and sunshine) that this life brings.

No need to worry, judge, defend, compromise, shrink back, or quiver. Just hold on tight. He's got everything under control.

And He will be the stability of your times,

A wealth of salvation,
wisdom and knowledge;

The fear of the LORD is his treasure.

~Isaiah 33:6~


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